Conservation Practice Worksheets

Conservation practice worksheets will help producers plan, implement, and verify the adoption of climate-smart practices.

Practice Worksheets will help producers plan, implement, and verify the adoption of climate-smart practices.  Please note that these Practice Worksheets have been adapted from NRCS job sheets and are different for each state.

ℹ  Practice worksheets must be submitted midway through the enrolled year (approximately six months into a producer’s contract) to receive the second payment installment.  If a practice has not been implemented at this point during the contract, submitting the intended course of actions taken is sufficient.

Find your state’s NRCS Field Office Technical Guide here.

Please view the Approved Practices Guide for more information on the NRCS conservation practice standards.

Conservation Practice Standard

Conservation Crop Rotation (328)
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till (329)
Cover Crop (340)
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till (345)
Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)*
Riparian Forest Buffer (391)*
Silvopasture (381)*
Nutrient Management (590)
Nutrient Management (Pasture and Hay) (590)
Tree/Shrub Establishment (612)*
Pasture and Hay Planting (512)*
Prescribed Grazing (528)

*This practice requires a CPA-52 Environmental Evaluation Worksheet.  Please contact your State Implementer for assistance completing this form.

Conservation Practice Standard

Conservation Crop Rotation (328)
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till (329)
Cover Crop (340)
Cover Crop Table 1 (optional)
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till (345)
Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)*
Riparian Forest Buffer (391)*
Silvopasture (381)*
Nutrient Management (Crops) (590)
Nutrient Management (Pasture and Hay) (590)
Tree/Shrub Establishment (612)*
Pasture and Hay Planting (512)*
Prescribed Grazing (528)

*This practice requires a CPA-52 Environmental Evaluation Worksheet.  Please contact your State Implementer for assistance completing this form.

Conservation Practice Standard

Conservation Crop Rotation (328)
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till (329)
Cover Crop (340)
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till (345)
Riparian Forest Buffer (391)*
Nutrient Management (590)
Tree/Shrub Establishment (612)*
Pasture and Hay Planting (512)*
Prescribed Grazing (528)

*This practice requires a CPA-52 Environmental Evaluation Worksheet.  Please contact your State Implementer for assistance completing this form.

To be released:
Silvopasture (381)*
Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)*

Arkansas practice worksheets will be released soon.